
We’re proud to highlight our referral partners, people who share our values and work ethics as well as the tech stacks we recommend.

Bridgford Website Design Case Study 02

Tech Stacks


Software used to ensure websites adhere to ADA Compliance Level 2.0 (AA)


Google Ads click fraud protection and Facebook Ads fraud prevention software will block fake impressions and clicks.


Reveal website visitors using a reverse IP lookup to see names of companies that are visiting your website, but avoid submitting any forms


Our recommend email marketing platform for mass emailing and workflows


Help protect your business from privacy-related fines and lawsuits with up to date privacy policy generation including terms and conditions

WP Engine

Alternative hosting for WordPress websites comparable to our client hosting

Founded in 2009. Idea Marketing Group is a top Chicago web design agency that works intimately with consumer brands and manufacturers to help build, maintain, and market websites. See the award-winning work or a specific service like manufacturing web design.